Caroline James Caroline James

A journey of self discovery

She learned to navigate her life while hiding her imperfections. She hid her scars that she could never let go of. Was it the long white dress that made her feel free or the calming sound of the waves where she rediscovered herself?

This morning, she woke up confused and feeling lost. The next step she took was to get dressed up because only her work and busy mind could save her from herself. She wore her crown of strength, got to her wardrobe, and got her long white dress out. A dress that was as white as a swan but not as pale as the sky above her or as pearly as the sea. She chose her favorite pair of white pearls. Jimmy chose even on the beach to make her feel as free and bright as the colorless white.

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Caroline James Caroline James

Unveiling the layers of self protection

With a studded golden Michael Kors wristwatch over her hand, she hid her scars. She left her long and wavy hair open to hide the marks that cigarette butts left on her back. She chose black for her long trousers and a black fitted top to match the emotions she wanted to put away that day. She wore a shade of red on her lips to build that confidence she tried to portray. She chose the outfit to hide behind the crowded city she lived in. She hid herself deep in the world she once wanted to rule.

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